Somebody said:
"The world is only as wide as you make it... If you think it full of possibilities, then it becomes limitless... "I guess it came out of the deep recesses of my mind... And it kinda rang true... Haha!
Life... As weird and wonderful though it may be.... Life always turns surprises in our path. Be it good, be it bad... Let come what may. This blog do I dedicate to all who may read. That we may share understanding of men and people; especially of self.
Somebody said:
"The world is only as wide as you make it... If you think it full of possibilities, then it becomes limitless... "I guess it came out of the deep recesses of my mind... And it kinda rang true... Haha!
Sabda Rasulullah..
إذا أحب الله عبدا رزقه الله أخا صالحا. إن ذكر الله أعانه، وإن نسي ذكره
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
7:27 PM
Labels: AlHadiith, Reflection, Self
Blogger now emails comments and replies.
Wow. makes it easy to interact!
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
12:18 AM
Labels: Blog, Technology
The meeting adjourned after Ustaz Suhadi's officiation.
Had some "kudapan."Nice. VIP's had nasi lemak ayam with banana cake, and chocolate cake, and finished it up with some nice tea.
The rest got some currypuffs and doughnuts.
And now... We resume.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
8:07 PM
Labels: Reflection, Self, Society
Allah berfirman: “Oleh itu berilah peringatan, jika peringatan itu berguna.” (Al-A’la: 9)
Ayat di atas saya terjemahkan berdasarkan tafsiran Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan terhadap ayat tersebut. Ia diterjemahkan sebagai ‘oleh itu berilah peringatan, kerana peringatan itu bermanfaat’ oleh terjemahan yang biasa kita baca di Malaysia. Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan mengaitkan peringatan dengan hasil dan berpendapat bahawa jika peringatan itu diyakini akan memberi manfaat, memberi peringatan tersebut adalah wajib. Jika diyakini tidak memberikan manfaat, terpulang kepadanya untuk memberikan peringatan atau tidak. Ini menunjukkan antara lain perlunya seseorang berfikir wasilah, kaedah, pendekatan dan uslub yang paling mampu merubah sebelum teguran tersebut diberikan.
- Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni di blognya, Satu Perkongsian dalam artikel ini.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
4:40 PM
Labels: Friends, Reflection, Self, Society
"Kak Ros~! Cepat la~! Kitaorang nak pergi solat tawarih dah ni!" - UpinHeheh! Told ya! Have fun then.
"Hak ala. Bersolek la tu!" - Upin again.
"Hng. Betul!Betul!Betul!" - Ipin, nodding his head affirming his words.
"Waa~! Laaawanya Akak~!" - Upin.
"Uuwuh~!" - Ipin. Both making gestures about their sister.
"Eeee-ih!" - Kak Ros while raising her hand in an about-to-spank gesture.
'Uh-oh. Heheheh!" - Twins, going to hide behind Opah. (reminds me of teletubbies when they did this, seriously).
Due to my current unstable state of emotions, I am firing barrage upon barrage of posts into my blog. God knows how full your feed reader is gonna be, but I dont care anymore. So if care, read me~!!
The next few posts will probably be a only few paragraphs long, each about 3 sentences at most. So... Just to be fair, I'm warning y'all with this post~! Be ready for a barrage of stuff!
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
9:05 PM
Labels: Blog, Curious, Experiment, Opinion
"Betul!Betul!Betul!" - Ipin to Upin
"Kak Ros bukak TV berapa tuh?" - Ipin
"TV Semilaan!!" - Kak Ros
"Ha! Bagus!Bagus!" - Ipin
"Ei... Kamu berdua kan puaaaa~se?" - Mei Mei
"Uuhhh... Puasa! Puasa!" - Upin and Ipin to Mei Mei
"Bis-mil-laaaaaa-hirr-rah-maaaaa-nir-ra-him! Aamin!" - Upin and Ipin, hungry for food during fast-breaking.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
5:48 AM
Labels: Internet, Society, Technology
Today, a well-respected brother is gonnna fly to UK. He's gonna follow the path towards his success. I hope that his success will contribute greatly towards Islam.
Each person will have his/her own path. Paths will converge and diverge. When it comes time to follow one's own path, let it be known that others will be with you in soul if not in self.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
4:30 PM
Labels: Friends, Reflection
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
6:19 AM
Labels: Path 1, Path 2, Reflection, Self
I had an idea... But as my mind raced, the idea flew away.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
3:36 PM
Labels: Blog, Reflection
Sometimes what you might see as entertaining might not be for others...
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
7:45 PM
Labels: Opinion, Reflection, Self, Society
Austin Singles from Mingle2
Waaaa!! Another 4 months!!! Waaaaa!!!!
Tralala... Best nyer jadi orang grad nanti...
Tapi tak best sebab dah kene cari keje...
Sape nak bagi kerja kat saya?! Meh la sini! Saya beri resume... Nak?
Oleh: 'Umayr SRA
Aku pandai bermadah...
Aku pandai berkata...
Namun hasilnya?
Aku pandai berinteraksi...
Aku pandai beraksi...
Namun hasilnya?
Aku pandai mempengaruh...
Aku pandai memujuk...
Namun hasilnya?!
Ya Allah...
Andai Engkau melihat pada hasil usahaku semata,
Nescaya aku takut aku tak mampu masuk ke syurgaMu.
Maka Kau jadikanlah aku manusia yang tetap berusaha,
Walau dalam kehampaan hasil seteruk mana sekalipun.
Maka kau jadikanlah aku insan yang tetap tabah dan teguh hatinya,
Dalam menjaga batas dan nilai agamaMu.
Maka Engkau pertingkatkan kefahamanku,
Agar aku faham;
Siapakah diriMu...
Kenapa Kau jadikan ku...
Apa tanggungjawabku...
Siapa saudaraku...
Dimanakah tempatku...
Maka Engkau perteguhkanlah tekadku,
Agar aku tetap;
Dalam keimanan yang jitu...
Dalam kesungguhan yang memacu...
Agar aku kekal;
Atas jalan agamaMu...
Atas jalan ketaatan kepadaMu...
Atas jalan mengajak manusia ke arahMu...
Ya Allah...
Aku masih lemah.
Jiwaku masih ternoda dengan dosa yang sekian kecil.
Benak diriku masih dihantui perasaan mazmumah.
Kau buangkanlah segala itu dari hatiku.
Kau kikislah sisa-sisa daki busuk itu dari teras diriku!
Hanya saja Engkau tempat berlindungku.
Dari jahatnya diriku sendiri.
Wahai Allah...
Wahai arRahman...
Wahai arRahiim...
Wahai Yang Maha Bijaksana!
Wahai Yang Maha Agung!
Wahai Dzul Jalaali wal Ikraam!!!
Tunduklah wahai hati yang degil.
Sedarlah wahai jiwa yang liat!
Diamlah wahai nafsu yang bergolak!
Tenanglah wahai diri yang keliru...
Ini bukan dimaksudkan sebagai sajak. Tapi ianya rintihan hati seorang manusia yang belum sedar dirinya terlalu kerdil dibanding Allah yang Maha Esa. Takutlah tidak-ikhlasnya diri.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
1:30 PM
Labels: Du'a, Reflection, Self
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
3:55 PM
Labels: AlQur'an, Reflection
Dedikasi buat yang lemah dek ujian dan mihnah...
- 'Umayr SRA [21.06.2007]
Sebuah rangkap madah indah
Menjadi sentuhan penghibur jiwa
Agar kau merasakan hilang gundah
Merawat jiwa yang dihambat lara
Perkasakan dirimu hai jiwa mujahid!
Kuatkan dirimu hai jiwa mujahidah!
Engkau penjunjung kalimah tauhid,
Pastikan engkau tabah menghadapi mihnah.
Engkau akan lalui pelbagai ujian
Maka hadapilah dengan penuh ketabahan
Engkau bakal diuji dengan dugaan hati
Maka siramlah ia dengan dzikir ilahi
Moga kan terbit dan hadir kembali
Sinar cahaya dari ikhlasnya hati
Ikhwaniy dan Akhawatiy...
Moga kita bertemu di Jannatu lLah!
"[1] By the Sun and its (glorious) splendour;
[2] By the Moon as it follows (the Sun);
[3] By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;
[4] By the Night as it conceals it;
[5] By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure;
[6] By the Earth and its (wide) expanse;
[7] By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;
[8] And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;
[9] Truly he succeeds that purifies it,
[10] And he fails that corrupts it!" [Ays-Syams: 1-10]
"[1] Demi matahari dan cahayanya yang terang-benderang;
[2] Dan bulan apabila ia mengiringinya;
[3] Dan siang apabila ia memperlihatkannya dengan jelas nyata;
[4] Dan malam apabila ia menyelubunginya (dengan gelap- gelita),
[5] Demi langit dan Yang membinanya (dalam bentuk yang kuat kukuh yang melambangkan kekuasaanNya);
[6] Serta bumi dan Yang menghamparkannya (untuk kemudahan makhluk-makhlukNya);
[7] Demi diri manusia dan Yang menyempurnakan kejadiannya (dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya);
[8] Serta mengilhamkannya (untuk mengenal) jalan yang membawanya kepada kejahatan, dan yang membawanya kepada bertakwa;
[9] Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang menjadikan dirinya yang sedia bersih bertambah-tambah bersih (dengan iman dan amal kebajikan),
[10]Dan sesungguhnya hampalah orang yang menjadikan dirinya yang sedia bersih itu susut dan terbenam kebersihannya (dengan sebab kekotoran maksiat)." [Ays-Syams: 1-10]
Sebuah sajak, aku dedikasikan buat diriku dan yang sejiwa denganku mengharap pada Yang Tertinggi...
Dedikasi khas buat sahabatku Hafiz Bai. Yang bakal melangkah meninggalkan kami untuk meneruskan perjuangannya mengumpul ilmu ilahi.
- 'Umayr SRA [20.06.2007]
Kau terhenti sebentar
Lantaran terdetik di jiwa
Suatu perasaan gusar
Mendorong hentinya langkah
Ke arah sebuah tujuan
Ke arah sebuah daerah
Atas suatu jalan
Fii sabili lLah...
Setelah sejenak kau berhenti
Setelah sesaat merenung kembali
Lantas kau temui
Sebuah inspirasi
Memulangkan keyakinan diri
Untuk terus berjuang kini
Tulislah kembali
Ucaplah kembali
Dengan kata-kata yang penuh hikmah
Dengan ungkapan imbauan pengalaman
Sentuhan sebuah hidup yang berwarna-warni
Dengan pelbagai kekuatan
Terbitan dari pelbagai sumber jiwa
Berinspirasi seni ruhi
Lalu kumpulkanlah seluruh daya kekuatanmu
Kembalikan semangat perjuanganmu
Hapuskan bayang semu dalam jiwamu
Bersihkan kotor dosa yang manghambat hatimu
Kemudian melangkahlah
Menuju sebuah keindahan
Menghampiri sebuah taman
Yang telah dijanjikan
Untuk mereka yang beriman
Dan tetap istiqamah dalam perjuangan
Ikhwaniy waakhawatiy
Da'wah ini bagaikan seni
Penuh dengan selok belok yang belum ditentukan
Ragamnya, engkau bebas mencorakkan
Indahnya, engkau bebas menggambarkan
Tetapi ingat...
Hasilnya, Allah yang menentukan...
Aku rasa sengal... Haha!
baru membaca sedikit, tapi telah terasa kesengalan dan kejahilan diri ini...
Adeih... Teruknya aku...
Aku dah lama tak menulis yang berisi. Diri sendiri tengah rasa cukup tak berilmu... Aqal dah tumpul kot. Kene tajamkan balik.
Agaknya aqalku tumpul sebab dah jarang kot amalanku. Entah la... Hati rasa tak tenteram...
Kalian du'akan ya...
Allahumma... Kau ampunilah segala dosa yang mebuatkan hati ini gelap Ya Rabb. Kau hindarkanlah diriku ini dari terpijak dan terjebak ke dalam perkara yang Engkau munkari. Sungguh, aku rasa terlalu teruk diri ini Ya Allah... Kau turunkanlah ketenangan ke dalam hati ini ya Allah...
Hati Meraunnggg!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh~~!
I am now ready to retake the mantle of my online presence.
May Allah make this renewal of confidence a lasting one. May He make my faith in Him steadfast and true.
I thank those who lent me support.
Barakallahuu fiikum, wajazakumu lLahu jannatu jannata l-firdausi wakhairan kathira.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
9:44 AM
Labels: Issues, Path 2, Reflection, Self
Four friends of mine got married last weekend. Two pairs.
Bro Nizam and Sis Safura; Bro Hadi and Sis Hayati.
Congratulations to them. I only went to one wedding though (Safura and Nizam's). Hadi and Yati's I didn't go. I was on the road at the time, travelling on vacation. Ahahaa!
An Ustaz went into the area where pickpockets were rampant. And he lost his wallet. He complained to a friend of his, who apparently was the murabbi of this "Usrah Pencopet Saku."When I heard of "Usrah Pencopet Saku", I laughed. Although the irony of it does strike me, I have to say to say that here in Malaysia, I doubt anyone from any Islamic movement group has achieved that kinda level. With the eagerness to actually reform people extending even to these kinds of people. People who would usually receive looks of disapproval just because of what they do. Granted, pick-pocketing is not an honest job. But who knows why they do it, if people do not care to approach them and try to understand them?
The murabbi then went to his group to ask about his friend's wallet.
Murabbi: Here... My friend, an Ustaz, just lost his wallet. I wonder if any of you knows where it is.
Mutarabbi: Hmm... The color and appearance?
The murabbi told him.
Mutarabbi: Hold on moment.
The mutarabbi goes off for a while. Then he comes back with the described wallet.
Mutarabbi: Here it is.
Mutarabbi passes the wallet to his murabbi and the murabbi passes it back to the owner.
One feels less knowledgeable as one acquires more knowledge...I dunno. But I think that aptly describes me. Just when I thought I had understood men and people, more comes around the corner and confounds me. Even those I already know confound me at times.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
11:32 AM
Labels: Issues, Reflection
"A year is a lot of time for a person to grow, ustazah." [me to one of my teachers after a year out of school]It seems to me that I am a different person each year. Comparing the me of this year and the me of the last, I believe that this year's me have gotten a little more serious and a tad less rash. This year's me would consider a lot of things before he jumps into a new project. As opposed to the last year's me who would jump into new projects - although old ones still need finishing up - without too long a delay just for the sake of experience and the high rush of activity.
"Who loves not women, wine and song remains a fool his whole life long." - Martin LutherI soooo don't agree.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
3:42 PM
Labels: Reflection
"...hati kata jalan, kita jalan; walaupun akal kata jangan..."This is why it's even worse when we deal with matters of syubhah (unclear or fuzzy matters of law). We tend to compromise principles and do what we WANT because the mind KNOWS nothing to keep the heart in check.
"...the heart says walk, and we walk; although the mind says don't..."
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
12:43 PM
Labels: Reflection, Self
Lecturer: Who here can claim to know themselves?
*a show of hands, but only a little; myself included*
Lecturer: Who here can claim to know themselves 50%?
*another show of hands, albeit a bit less; myself included again*
Lecturer: 70%?
*even less hands, countable by the fingers on one hand; myself still included*
Lecturer: 90%?
*only my hand was raisd now*
"...if a person knows that he/she is always learning about his/her self, then he/she knows hself very well..."Now as I look back, I wonder if that was just arrogance playing on my not-wanting-to-lose nature.
"...a person knows himself fully if he understands that he change in the next second..."
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
8:25 PM
Labels: Reflection, Self