Redirect You

This page is just an archive for all my old posts. My new blog is at Thank you.

29 April 2007

Ujian Allah

Persoalan dari seorang akh:
"Untuk Yeop, maaf ana nak bertanya, bagaimana ujian mencerminkan kebenaran dan boleh jadi hujah kepada kebenaran?" [diubahsuai dan dipetik dari komen Musafir di post ini]
Jawapanku dengan ilmu yang masih perlu kulengkapi.

Ujian tuh penentu kualiti. Takde ujian tak tahu la kualiti sesuatu.

Cuba tengok masa kita peperiksaan. Sebelum peperiksaan kita rasa macam yakin je boleh menjawab. Tapi sudahnya peperiksaan menceritakan perkara lain pula. Bila tak cukup persediaan, tak cukuplah kualiti 'ilmu kita, maka teruklah bila jawab peperiksaan. Dan juga sebaliknya, bila persediaan cukup, maka peperiksaan tu menjadi bukti kualiti 'ilmu yang diperoleh, dan orang lain pun menjadi yakin bila kita kata, "saya mahir subjek ini", dan dibuktikan dengan hasil peperiksaan itu.

Samalah dengan ujian Allah. Kalau tak cukup bersedia, kita akan rasa sangat teruk, susah. Payahnyalah. Tapi bila dah cukup kualiti kita, ujian tu menjadi hujjah atas kebenaran yang kita bawa. Kita sanggup kemudiannya menyatakan, "inilah aku, datang membawa sesuatu yang benar!", dengan rasa 'izzah kerana kita sudah punyai bukti yang kita perolehi melalui ujian Allah itu. Jiwa-jiwa manusia lain pun menjadi yakin kerana terbuktinya kebenaran melalui ujian.

Ujian tu pembeza kebenaran dan kebatilan. Baru kita tau sape munafiq sape benar beriman.
"Dia menurunkan air (hujan) dari langit, lalu membanjiri tanah-tanah lembah (dengan airnya) menurut kadarnya yang ditetapkan Tuhan untuk faedah makhlukNya, kemudian banjir itu membawa buih yang terapung-apung dan dari benda-benda yang dibakar di dalam api untuk dijadikan barang perhiasan atau perkakas yang diperlukan, juga timbul buih seperti itu. Demikianlah Allah memberi misal perbandingan tentang perkara yang benar dan yang salah. Adapun buih itu maka akan hilang lenyaplah ia hanyut terbuang, manakala benda-benda yang berfaedah kepada manusia maka ia tetap tinggal di bumi. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan misal-misal perbandingan." [ar-Ra'd:17]

"Orang-orang munafik lelaki dan perempuan, setengahnya adalah sama Dengan setengahnya Yang lain; mereka masing-masing menyuruh Dengan perbuatan Yang jahat, dan melarang dari perbuatan Yang baik, dan mereka pula menggenggam tangannya (bakhil kedekut). mereka telah melupakan (tidak menghiraukan perintah) Allah dan Allah juga melupakan (tidak menghiraukan) mereka. Sesungguhnya orang-orang munafik itu, merekalah orang-orang Yang fasik." [Taubah:67]

Ujian tu macam ketuhar untuk jiwa pembawa kebenaran. Peneguh hati atas jalan yang diyakini. Membawa keluar kualiti kebenaran yang seperti berlian. Lebih hebat tekanan; lebih gemerlapan sinaran yang dipantulkan.
"Adakah patut kamu menyangka Bahawa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum sampai kepada kamu (ujian dan cubaan) seperti Yang telah berlaku kepada orang-orang Yang terdahulu daripada kamu? mereka telah ditimpa kepapaan (kemusnahan hartabenda) dan serangan penyakit, serta digoncangkan (oleh ancaman bahaya musuh), sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang Yang beriman Yang ada bersamanya: Bilakah (datangnya) pertolongan Allah?" ketahuilah Sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat (asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh kepada ugama Allah)." [al-Baqarah:214]

Ujian tu muhasabah kebenaran. Tempat untuk orang yang mencari kebenaran tengok dalam cermin dan tengok diri sendiri dan bertanya "Betul ke tak aku nih?" Neraca untuk mengukur adalah Qur'an dan Hadith.
"Yahya related to me from Malik that he heard that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'I have left two matters with you. As long as you hold to them, you will not go the wrong way. They are the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet.' " [Hadith, diriwayatkan oleh Imam Malik dalam Muwattha', Book 46 1.3]

Terjemahan [YeopMayuru] di bawah, boleh dicari yang lebih tepat:
"Yahya meriwayatkan kepadaku dari Malik bahawa dia telah mendengar Rasulullah, (saw), berkata, 'Aku telah tinggalkan dua perkara denganmu. Jika engkau berpegang dengan keduanya, engkau tak akan tersesat. Keduanya adalah Kitab Allah dan Sunnah [RasulNya/NabiNya]' "

"Al-Quran Al-Karim dan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW merupakan sumber rujukan bagi setiap muslim dalam memahami hukum-hukum Islam. Al-Quran hendaklah difahami mengikut kaedah-kaedah Bahasa Arab tanpa memberat-beratkan dan tidak pula membabi buta. Sunnah pula difahami melalui periwayat-periwayat Hadith yang thiqah." [Usul 20, Imam Hassan alBanna]

Ujian tu pembasmi jahiliyyah. Sebab jahiliyyah tak tahan lama dengan dugaan.
"Dan Katakanlah: ‘Telah datang kebenaran (Islam), dan hilang lenyaplah perkara Yang salah (kufur dan syirik); Sesungguhnya Yang salah itu sememangnya satu perkara Yang tetap lenyap’." [al-Isra':81]

Uniformed vs Uninformed

I wonder if it's just me or...

"Norman fumbled with his seat belt buckle as a uniformed Navy man ran up and opened the door." [excerpt from The Sphere, by Michael Crichton]

I read uniformed as uninformed. How disturbing... Must be this afternoon's exam aura. Godhelp me through... [say amiin, everyone]


My friends and readers... I have to ask you all a question. And I seriously want top know.
"Many people around you will be drawn to your charismatic nature."
All of you who know me personally... Do I really have a charismatic nature? I'm really sorry for the narcissistic tone in the question. But I seriously have to know. It's a matter of identity. I want to know who I really am.

So... Feel free to comment.

Rakan-rakan dan pembacaku... Saya perlu bertanya anda semua satu soalan. Dan sungguh saya ingin mengetahui.
"Ramai orang di sekitar anda akan terasa tertarik dengan sifat karismatik anda."
Dan semua yang kenal saya secara personal... Benarkah saya punyai sifat karismatik? Saya betul-betul mohon maaf jika soalan ini bernada narsisistik. Tapi saya benar-benar perlu tahu. Ia merupakan soal identiti. Saya ingin tahu siapa saya sebenarnya.

Jadi... Silakanlah komen ya.

28 April 2007

Weekend Hiatus

I notice that there's almost always a hiatus of online activity amongst those of whom I know during the weekend. I have several assumptions on this observation.

  1. Most access the internet only at their offices. No access from home.

  2. Weekends are for "away" activities. Activities that include going out of the house and running here and there. (I know at least one friend who is always in another state during the weekends, heheh! You know who you are!)
I'm inclined to believe that [1] is the most probable cause for the sudden lack of activity. I surmise that most of my friends don't have internet connections at their homes/residences. I guess it could be due to the fact that many are bachelors... Naaaaah, totally irrelevant. But seriously, I dunno... Why don't you all install broadband at home? Easier ah...

I'd understand, however, if you guys were living campus lives. i don't think many Universities in Malaysia has made internet/global connectivity a priority. My Uni doesn't even have campus-wide-and-easily-accessible internet. Sengal gak ah.

It seems that a good many of my friends are busy weekend activists. These kinda people... I respect. Art strive; shalt thee achieve.

My Drive

I did a test to find what drives me. And this is what drives me:

What the report said about me (one paragraph ot of sooo many):

"Many people around you will be drawn to your charismatic nature. Let's face it; you are fun and easy to be around. People may tell you their secrets, ask for your advice, or just want to spend time around you and enjoy your escapades vicariously. However, your love of people may leave you vulnerable to unreasonable requests for favors. You don't want to see anyone suffer or unhappy, so you are easily spotted as softhearted. While you may love to keep others smiling, it is important for you to keep yourself happy as well. Don't be afraid to say no to people if their needs force you to over-commit yourself."
Yep. I have a problem with saying no to people I deem are reaaaaally in need. It's not that I feel I am indispensable, but that I reaally feel that I have to do something to help out. It's probably mostly dude to the fact that most of the time, I can feel their need. I know what I'd feel like if I were in their shoes.

I seriously dislike seeing people unhappy. The air seems to change when people's moods turn negative. And it suffocates. It hurts.

As such, more often than not, I try to compromise. I try to reach a decision where I still at least do something for those asking a favor, but not a decision that binds me to a hellish-world-on-earth.

Once a friend of mine texted me asking for my favor. He needed to borrow some money, saying that he has family problems and was in dire need of funds. I didn't reply to his messages. And I feel guilty to this day. I couldn't help him out; I didn't have the enough, what I had was just small enough to support me. I couldn't find the heart to say no neither. So I chose silence... He iterated his text a few times, asking and asking... And each time, my heart wavered. Yet i still couldn't help him out. Thus the silence continued.

To this friend of mine, although you may not read my blog, I truly apologise. It's not that I didn't want to help. But that I couldn't. I just... Couldn't. I truly, truly feel bad about it. So forgive me.

My IQ Score!

I dunno, but I feel like indulging myself... Heh!

You're a Facts Curator!
The Classic IQ Test
Brought to you by Tickle

27 April 2007

Update on Muslim Texts

Yep... I've updated the Muslim Texts post. So feel free to check the new entry out here. Don't forget ya! It's here.

Here's another link just in case you missed any before:

Google Analytics

This graph shows my visits statistics.

This one shows how many page views during people's visits.

And this one averages the pageviews over visits.

Something like three weeks ago I decided to try Google Analytics out. Those graphs up there shows this blogs stats over the past few weeks. In the trial period of my using this service.

My verdict so far? Great!! Hahah! Analytics can do much more than do the above. You gotta ry it yourself to see.

OKeh... Malas nak bebel panjang lagi. Kalau interested, try ah. Kalau tak nasib ko la, Labu...

26 April 2007


I dunno why I wanna do this but hey...

Here's another meme for you. If you are using a customizable browser (like Firefox, Opera, or whatever), then YOU are TAGGED!!

See the disabled Google Screensaver add-on? Yep, the one I selected. That was what wrecked my Firefox the other day. Stupid though. The only time so far I've been dissatisfied with Google.

  1. Print screen your add-on (or extensions, or whatever) window.
  2. Post it in your blog.
  3. Comment a little on it.
  4. Tag others.


I think i am starting to have issues of sincerity. Somehow... Somehow... I'm starting to lose the feel of 'ibadah. I dunno why...

I guess it may be related to my character. I have this outbound nature that seems to attract attention. yep. I say attract attention because it is precisely that. I have no reservations saying like the Malays say (albeit in corrupted language), "suka mencapub". For that is me.

It may be that in many people, the nature of wanting to be known is there. But I think that in me, that nature is blown up to a disproportionate size. To the point that I could be narcissistic sometimes. Now this nature is a great vice with regards to sincerity. It could damage sincerity in such a way that your 'amal is out of the window within seconds.

I feel frustrated. Because there is a world of difference in doing something sincerely, and doing it insincerely. Ahh... Even this post is turning to be insincere... Thus I shall stop.


"Oh Lord... Make me one of The Sincere. Oh Lord... Make me one of The Sincere. Oh Lord... Make me one of The Sincere. Make me one of them whom you love. Make me one of them whom you let into your jannah."

يا مقلٌب القلوب ثبٌت قلبي على دينك.

يامقلٌب القلوب ثبٌت قلبي على طاعتك.

يا مقلٌب القلوب ثبٌت قلبي على دعوة في سبيلك.

إنك نعم المولى ونعم النصير

[ِAyats from the Qur'an]

"Say: 'My Lord hath commanded justice; and that ye set your whole selves (to Him) at every time and place of prayer, and call upon Him, making your devotion sincere as in His sight: such as He created you in the beginning, so shall ye return.' " [al-A'raaf - 7:29]

"Verily it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee in Truth: so serve Allah, offering Him sincere devotion." [az-Zumar - 39:2]

25 April 2007

Muslim Texts Online

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله, إخواني وأخواتيّ

I just want to share some sources for Muslim texts that I found online:

  1. The Qur'an and its Translations: This is a site maintained by Saudi government (if I am not mistaken). I usually use this site to check and verify Qur'anic ayahs. It has a search function that makes it rather easier to find verses. But what I like most about the online Qur'an is that I can find verses I need almost immediately.

  2. Qur'an Transliteration: Now this site, I reaaally like. Imagine how hard it is if you know an Arabic phrase in the Qur'an but you know not where it lies. You also don't know enough Arabic to search for it online. The only thing you know about the phrase is how it sounds. This is the site for you. It uses romanized phonetics of Qur'anic verses in order to find the right verse. You can write in almost any way that distinguishes the sound of the verse and it'll find it for you. Very useful.

  3. Forty Hadith: The Forty Hadiths compilation of Imam Nawawi is a popular referential text used by Muslims the world over. It compiles forty hadiths that are referred to by some as describing core principles of Islam after the Qur'an.

  4. Sahih Bukhari: The most referred to book on the Knowledge of Hadith. Imam Bukhari was a renowned hadith scholar. he had very good memory, and during his time, he strived to cleanse the 'Ilm of Hadith from being subject to lies and deceit.

  5. Sahih Muslim: Imam Muslim was another scholar of Hadiths. Both he and Imam Bukhari was referred to as two of the greatest Muslim Hadith scholars.

  6. Malik's Muwattha': Imam Malik was one the imams of the four most renowned madzhabs of Fiqh (Islamic Understanding). His book on Hadiths, the Muwattha' was reported to have been memorized by his student Imam Syaf'ie at an early age. This book is one of the many references to hadiths in the world of Islamic understanding.

  7. Apa Ertinya Saya Menganut Agama Islam: [added 27/4/2007] This is a Malay book translated from Arabic (if I'm not mistaken). It contains points on the basics of Islam with references to where in the Qur'an or Hadith the points are mentioned. Very good book for beginners in learning Islam.

Kempen Pena Da'wah Update VIII/8/٨

Yep... It's updated.

Current counts:



24 April 2007


Timbulnya pelangi menghiasi langit yang mendung. Hiasannya petanda permulaan pecahan awan. Bermulalah sinaran yang muncul di celahan kepulan yang begitu agung tersergam lambang kekuasaan tuhan.

Datangnya pelangi laksana sebuah seruan. Ke arah pembaharuan diri dan pengislahan isi hati. Tanda pecahnya kegusaran diri yang sebelumnya laksana sebuah kegelapan yang mengundang putus asa. Tanda merekahnya kekuasaan nafsu manusia yang sebelumnya bertakhta.

Namun hadirnya pelangi bagaikan sebuah berita gembira. Menghiasi hati manusia berjiwa hamba. Yang segera beringat kepada Allah, tatkala mereka mula lupa. Yang pulang kepada alQur'an tatkala mereka mula alpa. Menghalau kegelapan awan gusar yang mengundang kecewa.

Ingatlah berita gembira dalam surah Fussilat, tatkala Allah berkata:

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mengatakan: 'Tuhan kami ialah Allah' kemudian mereka meneguhkan pendirian mereka, maka malaikat akan turun kepada mereka (dengan mengatakan): 'Janganlah kamu merasa takut dan janganlah kamu merasa sedih; dan bergembiralah kamu dengan (memperoleh) surga yang telah dijanjikan Allah kepadamu. Kami lah Pelindung-pelindungmu dalam kehidupan dunia dan di akhirat; di dalamnya kamu memperoleh apa yang kamu inginkan dan memperoleh (pula) di dalamnya apa yang kamu minta. Sebagai hidangan (bagimu) dari Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.' Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada Allah, mengerjakan amal yang saleh dan berkata: 'Sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri?' " [Fussilat:30-31]
Begitulah ayat-ayat cinta Allah pada hamba yang berserah dan beristiqamah padanya. Ia laksana pelangi tatkala langit dilitup awan; gelapnya.


Waaaaa!! Sebuah cabaran lagi... Iaitu... Saya kene siapkan tugasan saya nih weih!!! Argh!!

And pick up some stuff for my practical period. And call a meeting for a camp to be executed in two weeks. And read for my exams this weekend (yes. weekend). Aaah!!

Powered by ScribeFire.

Firefox Went Down

Yesterday my Firefox went haywire. It just suddenly went berserk. I didn't know why.

There was an extra (and useless space) below the status bar. The tabs went all weird on me, what with going all compressed and everything. My bookmarks went into hiding, though God knows why. Apparently, my address bar also didn't work properly. And a myriad of other defects.

I tried turning it off. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I tried uninstalling, deleting all relevant files to firefox and reinstalling. I tried modifying the register for Mozilla. None of them worked.

But today... Today, I finally got my Firefox back to normal. Wanna know what I did?



It conflicted apparently with my other current add-ons. Stupid.

أستغفر الله العظيم

I hate having such sengal problems. And it's not even worth my time pun spending lelama trying to debug the friggin' thing. It not like it was I who wrote the flippin' code!!!




OK... Here's the part where I sigh and apologize to all my readers (if any) for the sudden let out of emotion on such a seemingly trivial matter. So, sorry all.

Powered by ScribeFire.

22 April 2007

كتبت بالعربية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

أنا عمير سيف الرحمان بن عين اللطفي بن محمد لزيم...

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم.
أكتب بشعوري الملونة. اليوم ذهبت إلى احتفال مدرستي. قد لقيت زملاءي من كثير المكان. بعضهم جاء من كيه إيل, وإحداهم قد رجع من بلد الإنجلزي, جاء من أمريك في أسبوع الماضي, وهو حارث فخر الدين. من زملاءي الأخرين, زبير وإيزمين وذكري ونقيبي في المدرسة, نعيم.

إلى اللقاء

Anybody!!! Correct my language!!! Aaahh!!

Thinking Blog...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I was awarded with a thinking blog award. By Kak Aliya. Fuuuuuh! Am I honored, or what? I just hope this thing doesn't mar my sincerity though.

أستغفر الله العظيم

Okay then... Since I don't wanna linger on me too long, I hereby proclaim FIVE other blogs written/maintained by those whose posts make me think. Since I only have five slots, I can't proclaim many of you, hence I won't proclaim those already awarded here.

Congratulations to... *drum rolls!*
  1. Taqeyyabella by Shahiid. A brother I met online, though never in person. He is a sudent of alAzhar University at Egypt, studying the Arabic Language. His writings are well thought and to me, based on the rich history and foundations of Islam.
  2. Through A Muslimah's Veil by Hanisah. A sister who is a resident of Brunei, Malaysia'a neighboring country. I was amazed at her will to don the veil, a her resolution to complete her deen. Her writings are laced with Islamic values and her application in her experiences.
  3. Cerita Abi... by Shahidan. My junior at UTM. Someone has been described as "pengsan kalau tak blog dua kali sehari!". And his posts relate to his environment and lessons to be learnt based on that. I like his style of writing. I like his thoughts.
  4. by Abu Saif. I have never met Abu Saif. But I truly like the way in which he writes his thoughts. His posts are always of tadzkirahs and lessons learnt. I like it when he relates lessons to his experiences. Abu Saif is a person who seen much of the world and had seen many communities.
  5. Ansarullah by Ansari and his usrah mates. Ansari was my junior at school, and now he is in America. His group updates posts that are based on (my personal guess) their discussions. They also discuss issues on the blog that strikes me thinking sometimes. At others, they provide reminders that kinda whack me in the face.
Because i feel rather lazy today (du'a below), I'll just copy paste award T&Cs from Kak Aliya's page.

So there, this award originated from here!

Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:
  1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think;
  2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme;
  3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking!

20 April 2007


Your Brain is Green

Of all the brain types, yours has the most balance. You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver. You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

What Color Is Your Brain?

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you. Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show. People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate. But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.

What Color Green Are You?

18 April 2007

Try To Write Du'a

I am testing the functionalities of Scribefire right here mates...

I wonder ho this will turn out.

O, Lord... Cleanse my heart. Forgive me of my sins... I feel far from you, but not because you have deserted me... But that I have deserted you. I strayed far. I let my desires guide me, but did not guide my desires.

Yaa Allah... Enta rabb. Khalaqta sSamaawati walArdh wamamassaka min l-lughuub... Enta 'aliimu l-khabiir... Astaghfiruka lLlah, rabbu l-jalil. Astaghfiruka lLah, rabbu n-naas. Astaghfiruka lLah, walaa ilaaha illa enta, subahanaka inniy kuntu mina z-zholimiin. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun karim, tuhibbu l-'afwa fa'fuw 'anniy. Allahumma qulta fii l-Qur'an annaka tawwabun r-Rahiim, fatub 'alayya, 'abduka z-zolimun binafsih... faghfir liy, ya Allah... faghfirliy...

Ya rabb, ya muqalliba l-quluub. Tsabbit qalbiy 'alaa dinik. Tsabbit qalbiy 'alaa tho'atik. Tsabbit qalbiy 'alaa da'wati ilaa sabilik, innaka ni'ma l-maulaa wani'ma n-nashir. Allahumma th-thhur qalbiy. Allahumma nawwir qabiy kamaa nawwarta quluubu rusulik. Allahumma nawwir qalbiy kamaa nawaarta quluubu s-saabiquun, al-ladzi qulta fii l-qur'an hum min al-muqarrabiin.

Allahumma j'alniy min al-muslimiin wal-mu'miniin. Allahumma j'alniy min al-qaliil. qulta fii l-qur'an anna al-syaakiriin hum min al-qaliil, faj'alniy min al-qaliil, syaakirun 'alaa ma ja'alta lana fii hadzihi d-dunya. Syakirun 'alaa kullu ni'amika. Allahumma j'alniy min al-ladzina qaaluu, "wamaa min ni'amika nukadzzib" 'inda yasma'uuna l-ayaat, "fabiayyi aalaa' rabbikumaa tukadzzibaan?", fii qur'aanik min suuratu r-Rahmaan.

Allahumma dzakkirniy maa nasiitu, wa'allimmniy maa jahiltu. Allahumma najjihniy fii l-imtihaan. Khususan fii l-imtihaani l-ladziy sauwajjihuhu hadza l-yaum. Imtihaani {
bahasa-bahasa pengaturcaraan}. Allahumma laa sahlaa, illa maa ja'altahu sahlaa, wa-enta taj'alu l-huzna, in syi'ta sahlaa. Allahumma barik li maa, tholabtu min mu'allimiiniy. Allahumma baarik liy maa daarastu min 'ilmuka l-waasi'.

Rabbanaa taqabbal minnaa solaatanaa wadu'aa-ana, innaka enta s-samii'u l-'aliim. Watub 'alaynaa innaka enta t-Tawwabu r-Rahiim. Allahumma -ghfir lanaa dzunuubanaa wali waalidiinaa war^hamhumaa kamaa rabbawnaa sighaara. Rabanaa aatinaa fii d-dunya hasanah, wafii l-aakhirati hasanah. Waqinaa 'adzaaban n-naar. Wa-adkhilnaa jannata ma'a l-abraar, yaa aziiz, yaa ghaffaar, yaa dza l-jalaali wal-ikraam. Washolla lLahu 'alaa saiyyidnaa Muhammad, wa'alaa aalihi washohbihi wasallam. Subhaanaka rabbi l-'izzati 'anmaa yashifuun, wasalaamun 'alaa l-mursaliin, walhamdulillahi rabbi l-'aalamiin.

17 April 2007

Testing... Feedback Needed

ﺃﺭﻳﺪ ﺃﻥ ﺃﻜﺘﺐ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ

ﻣﺎ ﺃﻧﺎ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﺑﻨﺘﻴﺠﺔ ﻫﺎﺫﺍ

Give me feedback! How does the above look on your comp?


Hahaha! Apparently there were a few things wrong with my writing... Takpe! Korang betulkan lagi! I'm all fired up to learn 'Arabic!


To Never Be Defeated

I found this on a friend's blog:
Fear “Muslims cannot be defeated by others. We Muslims are not defeated by our enemies, but instead, we are defeated by our own selves.”
[Sheikh Abdullah Azzam]

My 2 cents take on this...

Muslims cannot be defeated by others because they are always those who are promised as "winners". Here are some of the ayats of the Qur'an:

{ayats containing the word "muflihuun" - "those who are successful"}
[al-Baqarah:5] - They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord, and it is these who will prosper ((i.e. win)).

[Ali 'Imran:104] - Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity ((i.e. win)).

[at-Taubah:88] - But the Messenger, and those who believe with him, strive and fight with their wealth and their persons: for them are (all) good things: and it is they who will prosper ((i.e. win)).

{ayats containing the word "fa'izuun" - "winners"}
[at-Taubah:20] - Those who believe, and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in Allah's cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah; they are the people who will achieve (salvation) ((i.e. win)).

[al-Hasyr:20] - Not equal are the Companions of the Fire and the Companions of the Garden: it is the Companions of the Garden, that will achieve Felicity ((i.e. win)).

[an-Naba':31] - Verily for the Righteous there will be a fulfilment of (the heart's) desires ((i.e. win));

...and many more ayats. They all relate to Muslims achieving success in the end.

Also remember that even if a muslim dies in battle to defend Islam, he/she is counted amongst the syuhada' ((i.e. win)). So if he/she wins the battle, he/she wins, and if he/she dies in battle, he/she still wins.

With regards to those who lose out:
[Muhammad:14-17] - Is then one who is on a clear (Path) from his Lord, no better than one to whom the evil of his conduct seems pleasing, and such as follow their own lusts?

(Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them all kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. (Can those in such Bliss) be compared to such as shall dwell for ever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces)?

And among them are men who listen to thee, but in the end, when they go out from thee, they say to those who have received Knowledge, "What is it he said just then?" Such are men whose hearts Allah has sealed, and who follow their own lusts.

But to those who receive Guidance, He increases the (light of) Guidance, and bestows on them their Piety and Restraint (from evil).

These verses clearly defines a border that differentiates those who follow their lusts and those who follow Allah. Who then according to this ayat wins? Who then according to this ayat loses? Verily, those who follow their lusts lose... And they lose in such a way that at yaumu l-qiyamah the will say:
[an-Naba':40] - ...and the Unbeliever will say, "Woe unto me! Would that I were (metre) dust!"


16 April 2007

Palestine: Sajak

Sajak ni bila dibaca oleh sang adik yang kecil ini, terus rawan rasa hati... Mata berair. Terkenang ikhwan kita di Palestine. Terlalu mudah kita lupa dengan pengorbanan mereka yang menjadi wakil kita Umat Islam di sana. Terlalu mudah kita lupa mereka berjihad bagi pihak Islam di sana. Terlalu mudah kita lupa...

Malulah kalian!
Malulah kalian!!
Malulah kalian!!!

Kalimah yang sesungguhnya meruntun jiwa yang terlalu mudah lupa ini. Di manakah kita?! Apakah hujah kita untuk melepaskan diri?! Apakah sumbangan kita kepada mereka?! Mereka menjadi barisan hadapan, kita bagaimana?! Apakah puas dengan ujian kesenangan yang Allah tetapkan atas kita? Ataukah leka dan puas hati dengan pelbagai macam alat peleka hati seorang hamba??

Aku malu...
Malu dengan diri sendiri yang terlalu mudah lupa...
Aku malu nak berdepan dengan ikhwan mujahid yang berjuang di medan.
Aku malu nak menjawab nanti di Yaumu l-Wa'iid apabila ditanya tentang tanggungjawab hamba.

Malu... Malu... Malu...

15 April 2007

A Song Dedicated: Tell Me Why

This song was dedicated on IkhwanWeb at this page. I love the way the kid sings. I love his pronunciation. I love his intonation. I love the message in the song sung with passion and hearfelt emotions.

Tell Me Why

In my dream,children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green:
And laughter is the language of the world
Then i wake and all i see
Is a world full of people in need

Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why?

Everyday i ask myself
What will i have to do to be a man?
Do i have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who i am?
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war?

Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
just tell me why, why, why

Tell me why(why) does it have to be like this?
Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?
Tell me why (why) cos i don't understand
Tell When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Me Tell me why

Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why (why why do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why,why do we say we care)

Tell me why (why,why do we stand and stare)
Tell me why (why,why do the dolphins cry)
Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?
(why,why if we're all the same)

Tell me why (why,why do we pass the blame)
Tell me why (why,why does it never end)
Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?


Tagged... Again. [The Screen]

Okay... I been tagged by Miss Raden Qurratu Aini here.

Here's how it goes.
  1. You print your screen.
  2. You post it on your blog.
  3. You tag others.

Here's my screen.

Okay. So that's done. So now I tag:
Buat jangan tak buat...

11 April 2007


Today I realized something so profoundly important I have decided to write it down here.

So what *is* this exactly profound thing here anyways?

I realized my motivation for learning.

... ...
...and a lot more ... ... ... ...


You funny, you know...

TWENTY-ONE PLUS years of frikkin' life, more than HALF of which are spent either at, in, near, close to educational institutions and you say... "I have only realized my motivation for learning."


But it's true. Today I learnt that my motivation for learning is highly tied to my needs of self discovery. Of character building. Anything at all that allows me to be me. Anything at all that I feel... I can resonate with.

In fact, I feel like this whole world was made for my discovery of me. A discovery of this here person called by many names, 'Umayr, Yeop, Sayfurrahman, Mayuru, ibnu Ainullotfi, cucu Abdul Latif, Anak Makcik Murni, Abang 'Ammar, Abang 'Asim, Abang Ruqayyah, Fathimah, Zaynab, etc, etc... A discovery of this here character who sits right there at the desk writing this piece of the internet on his computer. A discovery most important of all, of who this here guy is in life, beside God.

Each person was created to walk his or her own path. Similar paths, maybe. Convergent paths, hopefully. But their own nonetheless. This is what is unique about fate determined by Allah. There is no path to be walked by two different people. At no point in time may two people be in the same place in the same situation or circumstance. Not even twins can do that. All as written in the Lauh Mahfudzh.

My motivation is to discover this path. My motivation centres on my identity. That is why I connect so easily to Islam. It connects to my soul. It connects me and the Creator of me. It binds me to a greater reality and perception than I would have if I am without it.

All my interests seem to be based on the same theme, the search for me. I like working with people, because I see "me" in others. I like computers because I can meet more and more people online, thus meeting more of "me". I like books, because I always see "me" as the main character(s). I like watching videos, dramas, animes whatever, because I can relate to "me". I love writing because i can express "me". Most of all, I love reading the Qur'an, because of all my interests, it where I find the purest of "me".

This also probably why I hate getting angry. I'd be angry at myself. I also dislike hurting others, because it hurts me first. I love seeing my friends happy, because I know I'd be seeing a happy "me" too. I love my family, because tehy are all "me".

But one day, the ultimate discovery of self would be that I detach myself from this world. To become truly free. Ultimately to be "me" and not be attached to "me". To appreciate the world, but not to love it. To appreciate death, and not fear it. To do deeds preparing for the eventual, and not procrastinate on that. Ultimately... That is a great discovery of self to me.

10 April 2007

Native Deen: Small Deeds

I sooo love this song. The group is cool. The messages in their songs are cool.

To all who says music is haram. Please present your naql foundations. Music is part of mu'amalah. In which the approach taken is "everything is halal until there is a dalil saying otherwise".

So... Don't make Islam hard when and where it's easy.

Post Emailed: With Attachment

This post was sent via email, with an attached pic... Dunno what'll happen...


It didn't work...

Sending an email with attached pic will place the pic in the post albeit not arranged properly.

Picture doesn't appear.
Hypothesis disproved. #

08 April 2007

Dilanda DEMAM

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullah, ya ikhwaniy,

Saya sedang dilanda demam.

Ya ikhwaniy, tolonglah do'akan ye. Do'akan kesembuhan. Do'akan hati ini tak lari dan remuk diuji ALlah.

Benarlah, kesihatan bila tiada sebuah ujian dari Allah. Do'akan saya seperti Nabi Ayub. Yang tabah dan bertambah syukurnya dengan sakit yang berpanjangan. Do'akan saya seperti Rasulullah (SAW), yang tabah tabah jiwanya menghadapi dugaan Allah.

Saya berharap demam ini tak menjadikan ana tertinggal dengan urusan yang banyak. Mungkinlah demam ini satu rahmat, untuk memberi saya rehat. Untuk memberi ketenangan fikiran.

Saya berdo'a agar diri ini sembuh. Andai sakit ini disebabkan dosa-dosa yang lalu, semoga Allah emberi keampunan kepada saya. Saya juga mendo'akan setiap daripada ikhwah dan akhawat kebaikan. Terutama sekali dalam tempoh dekat nak periksa nih. SSemoga anda semua cemerlang dalam peperiksaan dunia dan akhirat.

Allahua'lam... Sekadar nukilan seorang akh yang masih terasa dirinya berdosa...

The Pakcik and Makcik Murtabak

A few days ago I had to go to buy dinner for the family. So I went to the Pasar Malam (night market) near the Masjid Tan Sri Ainuddin Wahid. Which is, in Taman U.

Rather far... Yes. But then, I also had to go pick my bro up at Sri Putri if not for certain misunderstandings.

So after I didn't pick my bro up, I went straight to the night market. At the night market, I went straight to the our favourite stall. Yep. The stall of the Pakcik and Makcik Murtabak. (I'm ashamed I never asked for their names).

This stall is a must whenever we go to the night market. Why? Maybe it's because we trust them to keep their hygiene in preparing the food.

We also liked their character. They're always amiable. And they give discounts too. Even if only fity cents punya discount kan, tapi still discount jugak right?

And since we have long visited their stall. They now recognize us. So we're always greeted amiably when we arrive.

Personally, I'm intrigued, curious, and kagum at their diligence to cari rezeki. You know how some people like to dis some kinda work that seems petty to them? Well... I'm really, really in awe of this here couple who work diligently to support their family.

The Pakcik was always the one yang buat murtabak and anything else requiriong the pan. The Makcik was always the one yang pack everything up. She also did anything else her husband was out of reach of. For the many times I've visited their stall, I have never heard them complain. Not one bit. I have never sensed any tension between them. Just understanding and acceptance of each other and their responsibities. Beautiful.

That got me thinking of myself. The first thought would be the question of whether or not I would be choosy of anything that presents itself as cari rezeki opportunity? And if i do get some kinda opportunity for cari rezeki, would I be diligent in following it through? For my current self, I'm inclined to say no to both questions. Puts me to shame.

I have always been choosy. Or as the Malays say, cerewet. I don't do what I don't like to do. Even more so when forced. I disregard unfancy work. Anything I'm not interested in... I try not to take up.

In the end, my studies in UTM has taken it's toll. Some subjects which I really like... I score. Some which I dislike. I fail... (failing by my standards lah, not getting an 'E' or anything). This is a habit of mine which, when I look back, is a rather tiresome habit.

I guess I still fail at being Allah's servant who is always in the state of shukr. I accept fate, but there are just some times that I feel I cannot appreciate the opportunities around me.

Those were only questions of diligence and gratitude when I relate myself to the Pakcik and Makcik of the Murtabak Stall. There were others that crossed my mind. Amongst them are those that look to the future. Such as; have I been as good a brother as I should have been? Will I be as good a husband like the Pakcik? Or maybe as good a father as him? Will I be able to accept what ever comes? What kinda path has Allah determined for me?

To those questions, I hope that when time comes, I will prove resilient and grateful for anything determined by Allah... For me.

I do not hope to be tested. But I accept that tests, are Allah's way of raising a person's level. In the end, I can only du'a as Allah taught at the end of Surah AlBaqarah:

"On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against Faith." " [alBaqarah:286]

If anyone's interested in murtabak at Pasar Malams, the go look for this couple. Pakcik tuh bermisai dan berkopiah usually, dan Makcik tuh pakai tudung labuh. Kat situ, derang jual jugak tahu bakar, roti john, dan kadang-kadang air.

I know that they sell at the Teratai Pasar Malam on monday nights, and the Taman U Pasar Malam on Friday nights. Biasanya kat TU derang ke dalam sikit.

05 April 2007

Jiwa Gelora

Jiwa aku tengah bergelora...
Tapi my lazed self still takleh paksa jugak settlekan.

Parah nih!!

Baaaaanyaaaaak weih banyak nih nak kene settle!!! Woi!! Bangun ler insan, makhluq nama 'Umayr weih!! Mulakan leeerrrrrrr!!!

HIsh... Bengang plak aku nih. Ade ke patut.

04 April 2007

Favourites, Currents, Firsts, Lasts, Have-you-evers...

Got tagged again by Sis. Amirah.

Favourite Colour: Blue!
Favourite Food: Burger at Ayub's?
Favourite Movie: The Message.
Favourite Sport: Martial Arts.
Favourite Day Of The Week: Friday, cos' I like Friday.
Favourite Ice Cream: Chocolate. Especially Cornetto.
Favourite TV Shows: Numbers!

Current Mood: Lazed out. If there is such a phrase.
Current Taste: Bad.
Current Clothes: Slacks?
Current Desktop: P4 2.66Ghz. Envious at my bro's PC. AMD X2 3800.
Current Toenail Color: Natural!!
Current Time: 1241 hrs.
Current Annoyance: Assignments!!!!
Current Thoughts: PSM... PSM... PSM...

First Best Friend: Yusuf the Bio Dude.
First Crush: Hey! It's. A. Sec. Ret. Not crushed no more.
First Movie: Uhhhh...
First Lie: Uhhhh...
First Music: Dunno... "Rijal"?

Last Cigarette: Nevaaah!! I'm pure!
Last Drink: NEVAAAH!! Truly pure! Oops. Misunderstood this... Hmm... Ais KOSONG!!
Last Car Ride: Back home after eleven.
Last Crush: Hey! Takkan nak beritahu kot?
Last Phone Call: My friend and bro, Af!
Last CD Played: Eyh? I have a CD drive eh? (the internet sufficed so far for all my digital needs, so nampak sangat lama tak pakai CD drive)

Have you ever dated one of your bestfriends: Nevaaaaah!!! I. AM. SOOOO. NOT. GAY!!
Have you ever broken the law: Yep. Speeding.
Have you ever been arrested: Nevah! I said I'm pure right?
Have you ever skinny dipped: Hum... Maybe when I was a baby?
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: Of course! I still have Great Aunts and Uncles whom I know little about.

With this I tag:

  1. Zakri2
  2. Kakcik
  3. Bai
  4. 'Abidah
  5. Angah
Zakri (lagi!! huahaha!), Abyd, Kakcik, Angah. (kang tag reramai kang sume orang tak reti plak nak tag sape, biorle)

02 April 2007

Reminder for anyone whose heart listens...

"Indeed in that is a reminder for those who has a heart or those who listens while he is present [in mind]" [Qaaf:37]

"Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu pasti terdapat peringatan bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai hati atau yang menggunakan pendengarannya, sedang dia menyaksikannya" [Qaaf:37]

The Qur'an. The more and more I understand it, the more and more I come to love it. The messages so touch the heart. The readings of a good qari' even more so.

But then Allah has mentioned this matter in the Qur'an itself! And that is why I included the ayat above in this post. Because the Qur'an is just that. A reminder. A guide.

It's beautiful. Even more so to hearts that listen. Heart that yearn and cry for guidance from Allah.

I am no muffasir to tafseer this ayat so lightly. But just cannot deny the truth behind it. When you have spent years of reading the Qur'an without opening your heart to it. Without comprehending it. You would definitely feel a difference when you want to delve into it. You would feel a difference when you want to scoop knowledge from it. You would feel a difference when you want to turn to Allah's Words for comfort adn soul-soothing. MasyaAllah, the beauty of the feelings that arise. Only God knows.

This is one of the ayats in the Qur'an which you would not appreciate its beauty if you do not observe and do. You must read the Qur'an to appreciate this ayat's beauty. You must set your heart to listen to the Qur'an, so as to know its beauty. You must try to understand, for you to wholely accept, that verily, Allah's words are more consoling than the best of entertainments in this world.

And that my brother... I can testify to.

It is only our hearts sometimes darkened by our bad deeds that place a hijab over our souls. That our souls find it hard to appreciate beauty so covered by a veil of sins.

It is only our hearts sometimes lost in a sea of bewilderment and doubt. Faced with the many lies and fitnah of this world that we are lost and misunderstand the Qur'an.

So let us pray ikhwaniy and akhawatiy... Let us pray that Allah brightens our hearts with his Nur. That Allah cleanses our souls and forgives us of our sins. That He may lift the hijab that blocks our hearts from comprehending and knowing Him, The Almighty. The Lord of Everything... Amiin

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