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This page is just an archive for all my old posts. My new blog is at Thank you.

29 April 2007


My friends and readers... I have to ask you all a question. And I seriously want top know.
"Many people around you will be drawn to your charismatic nature."
All of you who know me personally... Do I really have a charismatic nature? I'm really sorry for the narcissistic tone in the question. But I seriously have to know. It's a matter of identity. I want to know who I really am.

So... Feel free to comment.

Rakan-rakan dan pembacaku... Saya perlu bertanya anda semua satu soalan. Dan sungguh saya ingin mengetahui.
"Ramai orang di sekitar anda akan terasa tertarik dengan sifat karismatik anda."
Dan semua yang kenal saya secara personal... Benarkah saya punyai sifat karismatik? Saya betul-betul mohon maaf jika soalan ini bernada narsisistik. Tapi saya benar-benar perlu tahu. Ia merupakan soal identiti. Saya ingin tahu siapa saya sebenarnya.

Jadi... Silakanlah komen ya.

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