I have come to the conclusion that the word kasih is more similar to 'care' in English rather than 'love'.
Am I right? Come on upholders of language! Give your comments!
Redirect You
This page is just an archive for all my old posts. My new blog is at blog.sayfurrahman.com. Thank you.
29 September 2007
28 September 2007
Sila rujuk link di atas. Sepastinya post kali ini berkait rapat dengan isu di atas.
Saya adalah seorang manusia yang memanggil diri sendiri pendakwah. Ad-Da'ie. Da'iyyan ila LLAH. Tapi saya juga adalah manusia yang mudah alpa... Mudah terleka.
Sebelum saudara pembaca tersalah anggap ayat saya di atas, sepastinya perlu saya menegaskan bahawa saya tidak pernah ber-couple, ber-dating, atau seumpama perbuatan itu. Saya bertegas dengan sahabat saya sekalipun bahawa saya tidak mahu ber-couple (dan perbuatan seumpamanya).
Tapi apa yang saya katakan terleka ialah terleka dalam penjagaan hubungan yang remeh temeh. Terleka dalam hal biasa. Mungkin sebagai seorang pelajar, mungkin juga sebagai seorang aktivis kelab dan persatuan. Dalam perbincangan atau dalam mesyuarat. Atau dalam komunikasi yang biasa mana sekalipun.
Saya adalah seorang yang suka mengambil Islam secara ringan. Bukanlah bermakna saya meremehkan hukum. Tapi bermakna, jika dalam bab muamalah tiada hukum atau dalil yang membataskan, saya sepastinya akan mengiranya sebagai salah satu pilihan.
Saya usaha untuk tundukkan pandangan. Ah... Tak daya saya untuk bertenung wajah wanita. Takut jiwa saya yang kekacauan.
Cuma, bila saya bercakap... Saya suka untuk menghiasi percakapan saya dengan intonasi yang riang/gembira/positif dan diiringi pelbagai bahasa badan walau dengan sesiapa pun saya bercakap. Tujuannya, supaya isi percakapan saya tidak disalah-ertikan niatnya. Sama ada ikhwah, atau akhawat (walaupun apabila dengan akhawat biasanya saya kurangkan).
Soalan, "sudah siapkan urusan itu?", boleh saja membawa mesej yang berbeza jika intonasinya berbeza. Boleh jadi intonasinya marah. Boleh jadi intonasinya ingin-tahu. Boleh jadi juga intonasinya menggatal tak tentu arah tuju. Saya berlindung dengan Allah dari terjadi perkara itu.
Saya tidaklah berkata kita perlu buang ketegasan. Tetapi, dalam ketegasan, perlunya ada nada peduli. Perlunya ada nada mengambil kisah. Bukanlah bermakna mengsyahdukan suara, dan bernada menggoda. Tapi sekadar tahu dan mengambil tahu urusan yang perlu diambil tahu.
Saya juga tidaklah berkata, "jadilah tidak berperasaan!" Hanya kerana menjaga hubungan supaya tiada ikhtilat, komunikasi menjadi kering. Ganas. Tiada sifat keprihatinan. Lantas jadilah salah faham, kerana tidak memahami niat.
Manusia berkomunikasi bukan sekadar dengan bicara. Tapi manusia berkomunikasi sekaligus dengan pelbagai wadah tanpa-lisan. Untuk membunuh wadah itu ialah untuk membunuh kemanusian. Tapi sahabat pembaca, kita seperlunya mengawal wadah itu. Agar tidak timbulnya fitnah buat diri kita, agar tidak timbulnya salah faham terhadap apa yang kita bicarakan. Kita seharusnya faham implikasi dari tindakan kita itu. Dan kita tahu dan pastikan, tindakan tersebut tidak mengundang niat dan fikiran bukan-bukan dalam hati mereka yang mendengar bicara dan memerhati tingkah laku kita.
Saya pernah melihat ikhwah yang tegas, namun prihatinnya amat. Bukan hipokrit, prihatinnya hanya pada akhawat, tapi sememangnya pada semua ikhwah dan akhawat. Cakapnya tegas, ringkas. Mesejnya sampai. Niatnya tidak disalah-erti (mudah²an insyaALLAH). Namun adanya rasa prihatin, tanpa timbulnya fitnah.
Ah... Sungguh, saya ingin menjadi seperti itu. Tegasnya tegas, namun pedulinya peduli. Tapi inilah yang adakalanya saya terleka. Tegasnya saya belum setegas yang saya sangka. Mungkinlah ini saatnya saya mengubah diri. Menghiasi peribadi dengan akhlak yang lebih murni.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
8:07 PM
Labels: Reflection, Self, Society
24 September 2007
Allah berfirman: “Oleh itu berilah peringatan, jika peringatan itu berguna.” (Al-A’la: 9)
Ayat di atas saya terjemahkan berdasarkan tafsiran Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan terhadap ayat tersebut. Ia diterjemahkan sebagai ‘oleh itu berilah peringatan, kerana peringatan itu bermanfaat’ oleh terjemahan yang biasa kita baca di Malaysia. Dr. Abdul Karim Zaidan mengaitkan peringatan dengan hasil dan berpendapat bahawa jika peringatan itu diyakini akan memberi manfaat, memberi peringatan tersebut adalah wajib. Jika diyakini tidak memberikan manfaat, terpulang kepadanya untuk memberikan peringatan atau tidak. Ini menunjukkan antara lain perlunya seseorang berfikir wasilah, kaedah, pendekatan dan uslub yang paling mampu merubah sebelum teguran tersebut diberikan.
- Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni di blognya, Satu Perkongsian dalam artikel ini.
Saya sangat sokong. Saya cukup tidak suka bila ada rakan-rakan yang menyindir dan menyakat, tujuannya; demi melakukan mahi mungkar. Banyak kalanya keadaan sebaliknya akan berlaku.
Ya. Sepastinya anda akan katakan "itu semua ego!" Tapi salahkah si mad'uw punyai perasaan yang negatif jika anda memulakan teguran dengan sesuatu yang juga negatif? Salahkah si mad'uw kah dia bersikap defensif lantaran sikap anda yang antagonistik?
Saya suka dan saya sangat menghormati mereka yang mampu untuk merubah rakan, sahabat, keluarga. Mereka mampu untuk mempengaruhi anak didik mereka untuk mahu mengubah diri. Bukan memaksakan perubahan itu ke atas anak didik mereka, bahkan mereka menyemai kasih dan melahirkan sayang. Dengan harapan anak-anak didik mereka ini sedar dan ingin melakukan islah. Mereka inilah yang berhati-hati dalam memilih jalan amar maaruf dan nahi mungkar.
Mereka tidak sewenang-wenangnya melepaskan lidah mengutuk dan menyumpah lantaran seseorang itu dilihat melakukan mungkar. Sebaliknya mereka mengajak ke arah maaruf, dan memujuk agar ditinggalkan sedikit-sedikit perkara mungkar tersebut.
Ya. Kita semua manusia. Pastinya ada ego yang mengeraskan hati, tak inginkan perubahan. Tetapi dengan kasih dan prihatinnya jiwa ad-Da'ie and lembut dan cairlah hati al-Mad'uw agar mampu dibentuk semula dengan acuan Allah yang teragung.
Allahu a'lam... Mudah²an kita dilindungi Allah dari sikap keras hati dan tidak ingin mengubah diri ke arah yang lebih baik. Mudah²an Allah curahkan kekuatan buat kita untuk melakukan Islah di muka bumi ini~!
23 September 2007
This kinda weird though. This time around, I intend to try inline ads. But then, they also appeared in the main page of my blog, or whenever they I list out my posts as archive or by tags.
I guess don't really have much control over what appears for the ads.
Anyhow... Today we're going break our fast at Batu Pahat. We'll be visiting an Arab ex-colleague of mum and his family.
I actually pity him for a bit, because he's a doctor, and he's like the only person in his position at the hospital. That means that he's gonna be on call for everyday of the month. Unless of course, someone relieves him. I guess that only comes at rare times, such as when he really needs to take a break, or the like.
The last time we went for an iftar there, we got ourselves filled to the brim. I guess these Arabs really hold high esteem for the guests, giving all they can to "layan" their guests. It one of the things I respect in them, if not all Arabs, then certainly this one family.
It's kinda cool though. Having Arab friends in our own country. It's certainly a difference from the normal people we usually hang around with.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
4:40 PM
Labels: Friends, Reflection, Self, Society
22 September 2007
Episod 4: Terawih
Click here to see all 4 episodes. Best woo~!
Below are some quotes for this episode:
"Kak Ros~! Cepat la~! Kitaorang nak pergi solat tawarih dah ni!" - UpinHeheh! Told ya! Have fun then.
"Hak ala. Bersolek la tu!" - Upin again.
"Hng. Betul!Betul!Betul!" - Ipin, nodding his head affirming his words.
"Waa~! Laaawanya Akak~!" - Upin.
"Uuwuh~!" - Ipin. Both making gestures about their sister.
"Eeee-ih!" - Kak Ros while raising her hand in an about-to-spank gesture.
'Uh-oh. Heheheh!" - Twins, going to hide behind Opah. (reminds me of teletubbies when they did this, seriously).
"Sah! Yais sah!"
The squad consisted of four young men. All able bodied, all trained to use their bodies as weapons of war and murder (imagine a face pulled in a grimace here and scowling. YEARGH~!). Yep. Perfectionists of Assasinations and Murder. That's why their squad is designated PAM.
"Uh... Boss. 'Ow come our squad's name sounds so girly?"
"You know, private... If you were any cleverer you'd be my superior." Said the Major in dangerously calm voice. "BUT YOU'RE NOT!!! SO SHADDAP AND FOCUS NITWIT!!"
"Uh... Yes sir." Private Jim replied, diminutive and subdued.
Okay. I got bored of this too...
I'm not going into a lengthy narrative of the history of PHP, but I'm gonna kinda tell you a story.
PHP - Infiltration.
By: 'Umayr Sayfurrahman.
Once upon a time, there lived a race of people in a city called, The Server. That race was called PHP, and they were called so because they were of a race that has to modify, process and combine themselves as Client Pages as soon as they get a Request from outlying homes called Clients. Which are of course, where Users reside. The owners of Clients. Collectively, the PHP Pages form a Program Software; a community of collective functionalities (which the PHP Pages were when they do their jobs).
Ah~! They were a proud race. Proud of what they do. Taking glee in doing mt_random(1, 2) specifications in their jobs, or even just plain being required_once() by another PHP page. Hey... It was all fine with them.
The Server was known as a secure place. Nothing besides PHP pages can be placed on that Server. Except, of course, with permission from The Creator of Pages. As it is, the Creator of Pages has made it such that Client Requests should not harm his beloved PHP Pages. Well... They *were* his beloved creations. He also had to protect other Clients from Malicious Clients, thus the permissions and security.
Many CPU Cycles went by. The PHP Pages went on with their existences, gaining more and more Pages as The Creator added more and more of his creations to the Server. Before, there were only Pages that looked after jobs liked Logging in like Login.php and VerifyLogin.php, or pages that did the PR with the User and serves processed Front-Page information like index.php. Now, there were Pages that did other jobs such as Mathematics Calculations such as MathCalc.php and Advanced Mathematics Calculations such as AdvMathCalc.php.
Now, even the demeanor of the Pages has a certain variety. NeuralNet.php has an aloof demeanor, constantly demanding Resources whenever a Request needs her. All her AI sisters tend to have the same demanding nature. Pages like RegistrationForm.php however, had an inquisitive nature. Always wanting to ask questions about Users. Then there were the Delete Pages, Pages dedicated to deleting from The Server's storage faculty; MySQL.
One day, a User Requested to Upload A File. So Pages FileUploadForm.php took care of receiving The File and passed it on to FileUpload.php who put The File in the UploadedFiles Folder; a home for Uploaded Files.
The User then disappeared again.
Another few CPU Cycles passed. It was then that The Creator logged into the Server. The PHP Pages were excited with wonder and fearful at the same time. Would any of them get Edited? They knew from previous experiences that any Page that was Edited would change in nature; if not wholly then partly. Or would there be any additions? But the worst fear they had, was of Deletion. Any page that was Deleted never, in their experience, came back. It was a destruction that lasted forever. With nary a hope of returning. But then The Creator was The Creator. He was free to do what he liked with his creations. And the Pages were accepting of that.
The Creator made a few Requests. Edited a few Pages, making them more efficient at their tasks and made changes to The Directory. He made specific new Folders for Pages with similar or related jobs. And he logged out.
Then before any other Client made any other request, the User Requested to execute The File just uploaded in the FileUpload folder. All of a sudden, a few new PHP Pages appeared the top-level PHP residence in The Server and The File disappeared from the FileUpload folder. They were GetMeYourCreds.php and YouAreWormed.php. Then the next few Requests came. The first, was for GetMeYourCreds.php who went in MySQL, searched for The Creator privileges, and returned the The Creator Username and Passwords. Then he deleted himself, smirking dangerously at the other Pages. Then the next Request came...
YouAreWormed.php immediately went to work, Editing some Pages and deleting most others. he also forced the AI Sisters to execute over and over until the CPU was running at full power to sustain the Resource demands of The AI Sisters. Then the Server shut down.
When the Server went online again. The Creator was aghast at what he found. His beloved Pages were destroyed. The Software he had so tediously been building was now destroyed. He knew now, that he had been hacked, by the last User, who was apparently a Hacker.
The END.
Okay... I got lazy enough to stop writing.
©2007, 'Umayr Sayfurrahman. Ask permission to post elsewhere!
Due to my current unstable state of emotions, I am firing barrage upon barrage of posts into my blog. God knows how full your feed reader is gonna be, but I dont care anymore. So if care, read me~!!
The next few posts will probably be a only few paragraphs long, each about 3 sentences at most. So... Just to be fair, I'm warning y'all with this post~! Be ready for a barrage of stuff!
Now I feel like shouting...
Everyone... Let's shout with me~! YEEAAARRARARARRARGGGGGHHHHH~!!
Ah~! That felt like something...
p/s: If you were waiting for an elaborate whiny post, then you're mistaken. You see, i am a dude... Not a dudette. So our emotional reflexes tend to be more primal than eloquent. So there~!
21 September 2007
Right now, I guess, there have been some ads that I don't prefer having shown on this page. Unfortunate. Since I thought Google scans the site for content before putting up relevant ads.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
9:05 PM
Labels: Blog, Curious, Experiment, Opinion
20 September 2007
Episod 1: Esok Puasa
Episod 2: Dugaan
Episod 3: Nikmat
[update 22.09.2007]
Episod 4: Terawih
I love these little dudes~! Ahahaha~! Funnay~!
Here are some of my favourite quotes:
"Betul!Betul!Betul!" - Ipin to Upin
"Kak Ros bukak TV berapa tuh?" - Ipin
"TV Semilaan!!" - Kak Ros
"Ha! Bagus!Bagus!" - Ipin
"Ei... Kamu berdua kan puaaaa~se?" - Mei Mei
"Uuhhh... Puasa! Puasa!" - Upin and Ipin to Mei Mei
"Bis-mil-laaaaaa-hirr-rah-maaaaa-nir-ra-him! Aamin!" - Upin and Ipin, hungry for food during fast-breaking.
Reminds me of when we were small. Heheh~!
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
5:48 AM
Labels: Internet, Society, Technology
19 September 2007
Today, a well-respected brother is gonnna fly to UK. He's gonna follow the path towards his success. I hope that his success will contribute greatly towards Islam.
Each person will have his/her own path. Paths will converge and diverge. When it comes time to follow one's own path, let it be known that others will be with you in soul if not in self.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
4:30 PM
Labels: Friends, Reflection
18 September 2007
Why do we have to let our tongues run loose?
Letting it fire blast upon blast unto people,
Thinking, "They will forgive me,
"For we are brothers."
Why do we lack so much control on what we say?
That what we say fares little investment or care
In the feelings of others...
Why do we forget the ayat in the Qur'an,
That remind us:
O ye who believe!
let not some men among you laugh at others:
it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former):
nor let some women laugh at others:
it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former):
nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other,
nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames:
ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness,
(to be used of one) after he has believed:
and those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong.
How easily do we let it by us.
Forgotten and neglected.
How easily do we call names upon others,
Yet how easy do we forget,
That we are almost no different.
I am feeling the pressure of student life as of the moment. I guess I 've been on this matter for three semesters already. Which tells of why I was hesitant to post anymore. I really don't like repetitive whiny posts.
But since I feel too pressured to do anything as of the moment, I'll take time to write down a few things.
I guess people really do need to express what preoccupies their minds the most. For the moment, what preoccupies my mind the most are two; PSM and marriage.
Someone once said about my current "serabut" state that it was due to "'Umayr serabut nak kahwin!" I guess it is true in a way... My PSM strikes me as having very slow progress. I seem to have little motivation to shape up my system, and I literally have to force my will unto myself to code (very repetitive and boring). Place on top of that, the fact that I have almost no pride or esteem whatsoever in what my system is about. It is, you might put it, blasphemously ordinary.
I guess I'm really getting pressured by the fact that I'm gonna get married soon. I mean, before, I only did most things for myself. The ultimate drive was to serve my purposes (albeit for dunia or akhirah). I was free to decide, and I would know any decision I make would only greatly affect one person; me. I could drop a subject or two, without worrying that I'll have to extend. Hey, it's my life, and I'll pursue it how I like. I could do things at my pace; to lounge about or to fast-forward, and again, it's my life, so I'm free to pursue it how I like. I could forever decide to take or to let go, to give or to receive, and at the end of the day, I can still hold to myself that it will affect mostly me.
I have always lived in the present, giving little, though not none at all, thought about the future. I have for the most part of my life been a spontaneous person, taking little more than a few considerations to life-influencing events of my life. And now, a milestone appears that is forcing me to shift my paradigm of life.
I now have to lessen spontaneity and gain foresight. I now have to start to plan ahead more thoroughly than before. I now have to worry about life more seriously than before. I now have to start thinking about how I'm gonna go about making a living. And my reasons would be more valid than most. Because I have taken that first step towards building a muslim family.
All in all, I guess getting married is good way to put motivation in me. It puts me in a situation where I start thinking, "I have to end my studies this semester!" Which is, in a way, putting a foreseeable deadline for me to achieve my targets. It kinda forces me to pace up a little.
PSM places a different kind of pressure on me. Where getting married is a drive for me to perform, PSM counteracts that.
I usually perform great at those things I consider very interesting. Unfortunately the opposite is also true when applied to my person; I perform worst when I find something very uninteresting. PSM counts in the VERY UNinteresting category.
I hate bureaucracy. I hate doing reports. I hate repetitive tasks. I have no love for doing ordinary stuff (my flaw). I hate feeling helpless. I hate it when I can find no pride in what I do. All that... I can feel with my PSM.
It's a wonder that I can still survive this far. I guess that part of it is due to my very forgiving supervisor. The amount of patience she invested in me was nothing short of a miracle.
When I think back... I guess most people will go through these kinds of pressures in life. Mine is PSM. It sounds really mediocre when compared to things like, the tsunami, or a family break-up, or civil war, or being victims of hate-crimes. But then again, at this moment, PSM really seems to be the prevalent pressure point for me.
The end.
Told you... A whiny post. Never good to read, but lessens a little of the pressure.
Posted by
'Umayr SRA
6:19 AM
Labels: Path 1, Path 2, Reflection, Self
14 September 2007
Why haven't you been updating?!
And for God's sake... Why have you only been updating short posts?!
Ah... The mystery... Although it really isn't. It's just that I haven't felt like updating since... Since... Since I went through a fast-forward phase during my practical training. Since then, I haven't really gotten back into the mood of updating my blog.
And let's face it. It's MY BLOG. Ahahahaha! <--- insert diabolical tone of laughter right here.
Okay... So maybe that was a bit much. So I apologise to those who has been expecting my posts. And to those who have been complaining about my short ones (sorry mr moshi²).
13 September 2007
For those who didn't already know, or those who live too far to even hear the rumours...
I am, insyaALLAH, going to get married this end of year.
In case your still curious... Click on the tag (there's only one) associated with this post. You'll see posts associated with this topic. :)