Here's what I'm gotta do in the next weeks (I think... And God willing):
- Start to REALLY think about PSM I & II. Maybe convert one of my projects towards that end.
- Prepare exams (3 left as of now).
- Prepare software framework.
- Prepare software requirements specification doc.
- Take exams (like above; 3 left).
- Plan for certain "travel programs" (hehe! top secret). Two to be exact.
- Plan PPMT.
- Go to man a showcase on KRj.
- Go to one sister's wedding.
- Execute the "travel programs" mentioned above.
- Execute PPMT.
- Extort some free Iqra' members to go to a HEP program *laughs deviously at this*.
- Facilitate with R2J proceedings.
- Facilitate KRj activities.
- Register next semester subjects.
- Finish of ONE software design and implementation.
- Finish a few more books. Hopefully some 'ilmiyyah ones.