Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullah...
The past three weeks has been a very hectic period for me... Here's a summarised inventory:
- Send me bro off to register in UTM
- Register current semester subjects
- Pay late regitration compound
- Think of PPKI (Program Pengenalan Kelab Iqra')
- Think of Microsoft certificates for the CL AJKs
- Find out about change of naqib
- Do PPKI (week long)
- Roadshow for PPKI
- Think of final year project topic
- Get really interested in ANNs
- Think of new mad'u
- Design Microsoft Certs
- Start thinking on Laylu Iqra'
- Got final year project topic rejected
- Get serabut thinking some more about the topic
- Do some research on viable topics
- Got serabut some more
- Read a few books
- Send Microsoft Certs for verification and printing
- Absorb whole volumes of info on all sorta things
- Get interested in lectures
- Do Software Quality quiz (very open-ended Qs)
- Get new FYP topic (like it very much)
- Study/research new topic: Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Writer Identification
- Settle MS CL finance tie ups
- Go for first usrah with new naqib
- Go to Gunung Pulai
- Go to Parit Raja
- Get things done for Laylu Iqra'
- Be The Pres for Laylu Iqra'
- Research FYP topic summore